jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

spanish cuisne by daniel pakes mcgovern

Spain has no national cuisine but many regional cuisines which are mainly influenced by the weather and native life forms. Spanish cuisine distinguished by traditionally used in food preparation as olive oil and vegetable fat, lard as animal fat, and the wide varieties of fruit and vegetables that Arab culture brought to the table and other items such as potato and tomato arrived from america. The rapid growth of Spanish cuisine in recent decades is due to professionals recipe interpretation on traditional dishes which adds the huge variety of colors and flavors to the cuisine. The Northan region is humid and rainy which gives a varied cuisine both meats like fish. The medittereanian cuisine associated with the famous meditteranean diet shown as beneficial for health, is based on the trilogy of wheat olive and grapes plateau cuisine is the result of extreme weather require a hard effort from what i have read it sounds like a more laboring part of spain which eat more meat and scrubby like plants the southern cuisine or Andalusia enjoys a set pot of cultures that lived and forged their culinary heritage consists of winter stews and meditteranean coast food (i would put pics in but it not let me)

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