domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Spanish Gastronomía - Lauren J

So over the last few years Spain has been recognised for its art in food, and this means that the spanish gastronomy has become very popular with tourists when they visit Spain. Some of the dishes in Spain give a taste of the authentic spanish gatronomy such as; Gazpacho, Tortilla de patatas and churros. Also Spanish gastronomy is the research and the study in fine food. Translated from spanish to english gastronomia means gourmet cooking. And in Spain the study of food mainly focuses on the gourmet cuisine. The idea of Spanish cuisine is that the food consists of the culture of the food and the geography of it as well. Because in spain there is a lot of sea food because there is lots of surronding water around the country. Also when the wheat was first introduced into the country of Iberia it was very difficult to transport from South Peninsula, so this meant that wheat became a luxury and expenisive source of food for the romans. And when the roman empire started apporving it wheat then widely spread to Spain, Greece and Russia. This is when the Roman cuisine started. - Lauren Judd :-)

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