miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Sports and leisure exam - Gladiole

I found the test quite easy actually.. hopefully I did better on it than my speaking test though. Throughout the half term I've revised and tried to learn phrases and words that I know,  but when I wrote what I've learned on a piece of paper as a practice before the exam, I found it quite challenging because I didn't know how to structure my paragraphs, which made my work seem very unorganised and words where crossed out everywhere. (This happened on Sunday by the way) I changed my revision completely after that, I planned my paragraphs in English first and then translated it to Spanish  making sure that I only use words that I know so that I don't make it hard for myself, since I've only got less than a week before the exam. But yeah, the exam went better than expected ^-^!
oh my gosh I'm loving this blog, its like a public diary.. well, in my opinion anyway. hehe.

1 comentario:

  1. I am glad you like the blog ! :) Thank you for the positive feedback!
