miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013

Tom Wilford

The pig has played the leading role in Spanish cuisine and culture, above all in rural Spain, where it has been a fundamental part of the meat diet. It is the only animal from which absolutely everything is used. Cured ham is the most important pork product obtained from the Iberian pig. The amount and composition of the fat are determining factors in the final quality of meat products and especially cured ham. It can be seen in the white streaks that appear and provides juiciness. Making ham begins with the curing process to eliminate moisture and achieve the natural fusion of the fats during maturing, when the aromas and flavours characteristic of cured ham appear. Products from Iberian pigs fed with acorns are also excellent. In Spain there arefour Protected Designations of Origin for Iberian cured ham: Guijuelo, in Salamanca and Extremadura, cured ham from La Dehesa in Extremadura, cured ham from Huelva, in Huelva and Extremadura and cured ham from Los Pedroches, a new designation, from Córdoba. I choose this because it is from andelucia the region of Spain and this is where we are going on the Spanish trip in a few weeks.

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