miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

Speaking Assessment after Half term

Anyone got any tips for how to check my accuracy? I make mistakes but when I check my work, I still don't   recognise them. Also, I am not very good at answering questions when asked on the spot. How should I prepare for this?

6 comentarios:

  1. View the post on my blog.


  2. Hey Emma, if you need some help in asking questions on the spot you could get someone to read out random questions in Spanish to you, in class or out of class. Then you would be able to revise asking questions on the spot! Hope this helps Emma! Lauren :-)

  3. Try to practice questions at home, ask your parents or siblings to ask you questions. If they cannot then just repeat sentences, both write them and speak them out. This will cause the key vocabulary to stick in your head. This will intern cause your accuracy to improve. Joe.

  4. Thanks guys! I really appreciate the help, I will try and give you tips on any of your posts Emma :)

  5. Emma just read back what you've written and if it doesnt make sense in English then it won't make sense in Spanish :)

  6. You could record yourself saying questions in random orders and answer them, to remember vocabulary you could do mind maps every few lessons to see what you can Remember and then check it- Zoe b
