domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Speaking Exam

I get really confused with the imperfect and conditional tense. Does anyone know a way of telling which one is which?
Thanks, Hannah

4 comentarios:

  1. For the imperfect, you have to take off the ar,er,ir endings (and then add ía,ías,ía,...) but for the conditional, you just have to add ía,ías... without taking off the endings. KK

  2. the endings for the imperfect tense are all things like ia, and the endings for the conditional tense are things like ria, rias. basically if there is an r then it's conditional, no r imperfect.

  3. The imperfect tense is used to describe events that used to happen. For example, actions that were on-going in your life that effected it repeatedly, but don't any more. On the other hand, the conditional tense is used to describe events or actions that you/others would do but only in the correct conditions (hence "conditional" tense.) When you form them the difference is that with the imperfect you take off the ar, er, ir before you add the appropriate ending, but with the conditional you don't. Make sure to leave the ar, er, ir and just add the correct ending. Hope this helps!

  4. Thanks, I understand the difference now! Hannah
