domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013

Emma-My dream date

El fin de semana pasada, fui a una cita con los tletubbies. Era un desastre. Porque invitaron Noonoo. !Noonoo comio mi lasana! Sin embargo, para el prier plato, pedo gambas de ajillos, y beber una coca cola. Era repugnante porque las gambas estaban cruda y frio. Tambien hacio falta una tenedor. Dipsy comio mis gambas. !Horrible!
Porque Dipsy comio mis gambas, fui otro restaurante. Para el segundo plato, pedo sopa de ajo. !Era delicioso! Pero el servicio fue muy lento y el mantel estaba sucio.
En el futuro, voy a ir restaurantes buenos con personas agradable. !Porque hacere tardes buenos! Ademas en el futuro me gustaria comer comer meluza en salsa verde porque me gusta muchisimo el pescado y creo que me gustaria lo.

3 comentarios:

  1. There are a couple of typos and missed accents'?' for example (comio-comi, tletubbies-teletubbies, prier-primer) Also you need to ensure that you add the correct endings for when you are talking about I, she, he, you, they, we and infinitive.
    However, overall I like the paragraph, its included a lot of information, and some of it is funny! WELL DONE!

  2. Really good paragraph!
    Last weekend I went on a date with the Teletubbies. It was a disaster because they invited Noonoo. Noonoo ate my lasagne. However for the first course I had garlic prawns and I drank Coke. It was disgusting because the prawns were raw and cold. Also I didn't have a fork. Dipsy ate my prawns. Horrible!
    Because Dipsy ate my prawns I went to another restaurant. For the second course I had a garlic soup. It was delicious! But the service was very slow and the tablecloth was dirty.
    In the future I am going to go to good restaurants with pleasant people. Because I will have good evenings! Also In the future I would like to eat hake in green sauce because I really like fish and I think I would like it.
    You have used present, past, future x2 and the conditional tense. Your accuracy is very good, just a few accents here and there that are missing. Also be careful with the tenses, make sure you know which one to use and how to form it. Apart from that it was really good and interesting with a range of connectives and opinions! 9/10!

  3. Last weekend I went on a date with the teletubies. It was a disaster because they invited Noonoo. Noonoo ate my starter. However for the main course I had Garlic Prawns and I drank Coke. It was disgusting because the prawns were raw and cold. Also I didn't have a fork. Dipstick ate my prawns. Horrible!
    Because Dipsy ate my Prawns I went to another restaurant. For the second course I had a Garlic Soup. It was delicious but the service was very slow and the table cloth was dirty.
    In the future I'm going to go to good restaurants with pleasant people. Because I will have good evenings. Also in the future I would like to eat Bake in Green Sauce because I really like fish and I think that I'd like it.
    Great paragraph! I thought that you did really well. You have used a lot of tenses (past, present, future x2 and conditional.) you have included a range of interesting opinions and reasons as well as connectives. 10/10! -Lizzie
