viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013

Gastronomía en España

So basically Spanish cuisine/food.

I personally really enjoy the taste of Spanish food because it has a lot of meat/ham and used a range of seafood, although not as much as Japan!

I've been to a couple of Spanish tapas restaurants in Barcelona. Me and my family considered going to a tapas restaurant last year when we visited A Coruña and Bilbao on a cruise, but we couldn't choose a good restaurant.

The first product that was introduced to Iberia was wheat, around the time of the Roman Empire. Iberia is considered where the name of Jamón Ibérico, a major type of ham often used in Spanish dishes, derived from. There used to be two major types of diet on the peninsula. One was typically consumed in the north-west of the peninsula, using more animal fats, while the other diet was found in the southern part of the peninsula, and the latter was arguably the starting point of the Mediterranean diet.

As more food were introduced to Spain in the following years, the variety of food potentially available to the Spanish increased.

Common spanish dishes include tortilla de patata, known as potato omelette in England, paella, stews, various types of sausages, a variety of hams, calamares, gazpacho, pescaito frito, and many more.

Potato Omelettes are quite popular in many countries outside of Spain including England, with many restaurants and homes adapting the menu to fit their style.
Paellas are known for the simplicity of being able to make fast ones and their complexity of making great, top-class versions of the dish. Paella is made of yellowed rice, with peas, chickens, vegetables and of course seafood usually mixed in.
There are many types of sausages and hams in spain. Some of the most notable are Chorizo, morcilla, Jamón Ibérico and Jamón serrano.

Also, those going on the trip later this month can look forward to a chance to taste top class gazpacho because the dish of gazpacho originated in Andalucía.

In Spain, dishes like ham are served on top of a slice of bread, as shown in the picture below.

Spanish cooking is 'in fashion' thanks to a number of internationally highly rated chefs. Spanish chefs are highly rated worldwide, because of the complexity of being able to produce top class tapas dishes.

Personally, I would recommend the restaurant 'La Tasca' as I feel that it provides great tapas dishes, very similar to the ones that you would find if you actually go to Spain. Check it out for yourself! The Link is!



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