miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2013



Food and restaurants in Spain can differ greatly from here in the UK. For example, in England, you could ask for a starter, main course and a dessert for a full meal. However, in Spain, they seem to eat more food. This could be a result of their late lunch and siesta which is the time that they eat the most food, because they eat a smaller meal much later at night.
On a typical Spanish menu you will have, Un primer plato (First Dish), Un segundo plato (Second Dish) and un postre (Dessert). The first dish and the second dish are the same size and are rather like having two main courses on the trot. However if desired, it can be put on a smaller plate and be served as Tapas.
Tapas are small plates of food which can be served in restaurants, or special tapas bars. People traditionally move from bar to bar trying different types of tapas. You can buy a drink and then get a plate of tapas for free, as food is generally cheaper in spain.

Types of Tapas:

Pan con tomate-Is a crusty spanish bread rubbed with tomato and salt, with vegetable oil drizzled across it. It is a very simple tapa which can prove very filling and satisfying. It can also accompany other tapas.

Patas Bravas- Small cubes of fried spicy potatoes served with 2 types of sauces: Alioli ( Garlic Mayonnaise)
or a spicy tomato salsa.

Chipirones- Deep fried baby squids and they are served aplenty.

Anchoas- Small fish bathed in vinegar, garlic and parsley.

Croquetas- Small portions of meat such as ham, fish or chicken, dipped in spices, seasoning and breadcrumbs, and are deep fried.


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